Sunday, September 23, 2007
apple picking and a cute dog
Last week we went apple picking, and there was a really funny retriever named Katie. She really wanted my sandwich.But she settled for an apple after the rejection.
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11:21 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Well, on Thursday I got my 7th mole removed! Oh Joy! Party Time! It still hurts and bleeds! Even though it's Saturday! I don't remember it hurting this much! Wow!
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6:27 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Quick and easy recipe that the kids will love, and all you need is one apple!
Yep, you heard me, folks. Would you like to know the secrets of this recipe no one else has ever dared discover? One that is quick and easy to make- and all you need to know is how to cut up an apple and use the microwave? Yes, it is that simple. So divine.
Never have time to bake an apple pie? Well, this recipe takes less than 5 minutes to make. It will give you the taste of fresh apple pie, still hot from the oven. Have I stirred your interest? Or are you ready to click on another button, go to another site, ready to cast aside what possibly may be your child's only hope of happiness, your only comfort food? Just read a little farther.
Test your patience. Indulge on my own genius and witty words that have brought you to this very end. The end of my wittiness, and the start of a genius recipe.
Congrats! You obviously have what it takes to keep your cool! Now go out into this world, and know that no matter what- you can be patient. (But wait for the recipe)
You will need:
1 apple
a microve, open fire, or any other means of heat
To make:
- cut up one apple and place on a plate, all slices facing from each other.
- put in microwave on high heat for 45 seconds.
- remove from microwave and dip slices into cinnamon that has bee previously placed in a bowl.
- serve immediatly
Bon Appetit!!!
Posted by
1:22 PM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
so far

Brenna playing the piano.

I don't post much of Lily, but this one was so comical!
Posted by
3:25 PM
perfect match.
In my opinion, hibiscus and leopard print were made for each other.
Posted by
3:23 PM