First of all, the costumes: Alice was wearing a REAL mink coat over a beautiful lavender flowing dress, and I was wearing a coral-with-stars-all-over-it beautiful dress.
Here's Alice's costume: And here's my costume:
Here's a pumkin that we put in the window. It's also fresh cut by Mom at 1:00 PM because she looked out on the door-step, and there was an uncarved pumkin right there! So, here it is!
And, here it is in the light:
And.............................drum roll..............................what you've all been waiting for: the loot!!!!!
Since Alice went with a friend to a really big nieghborhood, she got a TON more candy than I did! Those would be gallon sized Ziploc bags filled to the brim with all different kinds of candy!! And guess what- lots of people gave out king-sized candy bars! I mean, kids are happy as long as they have candy, but it is kind of nice.......
And here's another picture with Alice and me together. It shows that candy can't split us up.

This'll last us untill Thanksgiving-that would make a record between Alice and me!!!
Gosh, that doesn't look like enough candy to last to Thanksgiving! Mine never did!
I know, but Mom was looking over my shoulder.
I don't know, mine always lasted till Christmas or longer. But then, I would only eat a few pieces a day. I was a hoarder.
Justin, I thought you once had candy that lasted until your birthday (in July). But maybe you don't count those peanut butter black or orange-wrapped things as "candy".
--Mom Bailey
I don't liked those "candies", either.
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