Here's more of Connor and Brenna!
Brenna at the swimming pool...

Connor with his Power Rangers phone... The funny story is, though, that Connor had been to Wal-Mart before we came, and said that he liked the P.R. phone. Then, we come to their house, and we give it to him! We also gave Brenna a Disney Princess phone. They hardly ever put them dowm!

Talking on the phone...

Brenna just poured water on herself in the kiddie pool that we brought. She was always sticking out her tongue!

And then after 15 minutes filling the kiddie pool, we spent the next hour on the swings, so here are some swing shots:

Connor also loved the swing! My guess is that we spent about 1/4 of our time there one the swings!
We love the pictures! I see you've been doing some editing...
Actually, I hardly edited them at all. Mainly it was just brightness and contrast.
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