Sunday, October 07, 2007

trip to hartman

Last Friday was the 8th grade's trip to hartman, and we got to sign up for what stuff we wanted to do there. My first one that I picked was photography. Why wouldn't I? I got some pretty cool shots, I think...
I also did beach sculpting, and making beaded bookmarks and cool notebook covers. After I got home, 2 hours later it was time to go to NIJO- Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra. That went from 5-7 pm, and then I went straight to the UNIdome to watch the Tiger game with my friends. The Tigers played West and won. I can't remember the finishing scores, but I do remember they won by a landslide. And that was my Friday.


Anonymous said...

I have always loved pathway pictures. My imagination takes me down the path, and I feel more serene! Nice shots!

Justin T. Bailey said...

What is that "Hudsucker" poster doing on your title?

ryan said...

Great pictures. I miss Hartman! I hope you had a good time at NIJO. And Go Tigers!!

Anonymous said...

I really like the pictures. The header I'm not so sure about... they have copyright laws and stuff. But I really like the blue and white stripes with red lettering. That's a nice touch.