Sunday, March 09, 2008

steering from the shotgun???

Last Sunday, while we were driving to church, Mom asks me,"do you want to steer?"
I said," sure, why not?" So I steered us down the road. Don't get me wrong, the roads were clear, there were no other cars as far as we could see, and I am going to be able to drive in less that 6 months.(My half-birthday was 2 days ago.) I steered us right in the middle of the lane, and Mom says I'm pretty good at it. Over the past few days I have been just watching the road, trying to kind of learn on my own "driving etiquette".

1 comment:

Justin T. Bailey said...

So, is Dad going to take you to the CFU parking lot, and teach you how to drive? Or does he use another parking lot closer by? Ahh, memories. Learning how to drive in our 1979 Le Mans station wagon. Are you going to learn in the Camry or the Oddessy?