Tuesday, April 01, 2008

happy april fool's day!

I don't know about you, but my April Fool's Day consisted of me playing pranks and cruel pranks played on me. I played two pranks

  1. stealing everything (all the pictures, mirriors, ect) from her locker. (we gave it back)
  2. pretending to choke on a grape during lunch.

Both pranks turned out pretty well, but the cruel joke played on me was this:

During math, the teacher said," Guess what everyone! The school board has decided to cancel all the make-up days from the snowdays!"

While everyone is so happy, she says the two little words,"April Fools." And we were sad.



Anonymous said...

I think next year you should try the classic "bucket over the door" one. An oldie but goodie. I told the kids about April Fools and Connor kept saying that week, "guess what? we're going on vacation! April fool's!" (Yes, he needs some work on that)

baileymom said...

So, when are you going to post a new blog? It's been over two months...